"Going to Nicaragua with Global Ethos was a transformative experience for me. It completely changed my word view and it allowed me to learn so much about myself and other people. For me, the best part of the trip was this sense of community. It really touched me how tight knit the community was, how well everyone knew each other, and how they took care of each other. I felt accepted into a community of people I had never met before and I think that that is a powerful thing. This experience has inspired me to travel more in the future and hopefully return to Nicaragua."

"I would like to thank Global Ethos for the chance to work in the community of San Ramon and for making me feel at home. The staff was so nice and hospitable and Nicaragua was so beautiful. The best part of my experience was making a connection with the kids in the arts camp. I learned more from them than they did me! I'm so grateful for the opportunity and so happy that I went, I would do it again and again if I could. Thank you Global Ethos!"

"My Global Ethos experience was amazing! I find myself more dedicated on my studies now because I know that's a path that will help me continue to see the world and grow into the man I'm supposed to be. I'm so much more mature now, and I will never stop pursuing my dreams."

"My favorite part of my experience was how welcoming all of the people were. My host family welcomed me into their home with open arms, and the staff were all so nice and friendly. If I had to redo the whole trip over again, I wouldn't change a thing. This trip has changed my life for the better, and has opened my eyes to how the world really works."

"The best part of my experience was getting out of the country and seeing the beautiful land and incredible people. And I learned that there are amazing, kind, and generous people everywhere. I think sometimes in society we live in it's easy to forget that."